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Brewers Filler Premium Multi-Purpose Silicone White NE011005

Brewers Multi-Purpose Silicone is a premium grade, low modulus, neutral curing silicone. Provides excellent adhesion to most common building materials. It has excellent resistance to mould, UV, water and weather and will not corrode metal. Certified by ISEGA for use in food preparation areas. Accommodates joint movement of +/- 25%.This product has multiple uses and is ideal for sealing of construction and expansion joints in concrete and brickwork, connection joints, curtain wall constructions, glazing systems, kitchens, bathrooms, showers and industrial applications as well as perimeter pointing around most types of frames.Suitable for bedding of double glazed units and cap beading subject to compatibility tests. Excellent adhesion without a primer to seal assemblies of glazed surfaces, glass, aluminium and many other metals, unplasticised plastics such as: rigid polystyrene, polyester, ABS, most PVCu and painted wood. This product can also be used on swimming pools.